Admission Requirements
Admission Program
Catechetical Program
Oath Against Modernism
Oath Printable Version
Schedule of Costs


Faith and good works are required of us by God; the rewards of such faith, charity and sacrifice are eternal. Please join with us to assist those less fortunate through charitable work. Helping our brothers and sisters in need is the great work of Christianity and we encourage everyone to help with our charitable work either as full members or as associates of the Order. This will bring you blessings from God and special remembrance by our priests throughout the Order of St. John and by our associate monks, sisters and priests in India.

If you are interested in volunteering to help please write to us at:

Men and women who join the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem as full members serve God as active members of the His holy Church. Full membership in the Order is open to Catholics and to Orthodox in communion with the Church. We have ecumenical ranks and also associate with others who are interested in the work of the Order. The mission of the Order continues our tradition of service and defense of the Church, and is summarized here below:

The Hospitaller Knights strive for perfection of charity by impartial service to the sick, injured and poor; by preservation of the ancient Catholic liturgies and traditions; and by the propagation and defense of the Kingdom of Christ.

Such service to God is exemplified in the Knight. As a Knight of Malta, you will continue the tradition that has been set before us by our brother knights for nearly one thousand years.

There are ecumenical ranks and various other ranks within the Order. New members are admitted to an initial rank based on their training and experience, and may advance with training. All ranks are established to defend and serve the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

Please see the Admission Requirements for further admission information.